Pros and Cons of Building Digital products With No-code

Just hearing about no-code for the first time? Learn the benefits of using no-code to launch your next digital product. 

After Lisa waited two years to get her saas marketplace off the ground she finally gave up. The remote team of dev she hired promised the deliver the product within weeks but failed. 

The estimated time of completion of 30 weeks has come and gone. Yet, not even a designed product to prove she spent her investor's cash wisely. 

It's time to close the shop and go home. The startup world isn't for Lisa. She's stuck in the software development rot. 

Stuck in the software development Rot

In the words of Dan rice, It's super hard for even software developers to complete what they start. 

Take a look at the recent finding from this Twitter poll. You will find out some of the major reasons digital products are hardly ever completed. 

  • Time 
  • Money
  • Team 

And many other reasons. 

If you are like Lisa, you don't have to throw in the towel.

You can be like Sasa Janicijevic who created the first no-code talent automation platform in under 12 weeks using Bubble io.

So many other startup founders have gone on to do the same simply by building with no-code platforms. 

You too can do the same. 

No-code: The engine you need to launch your next digital product. 

This report from Zapier proves that no-code will work in every department of your company.

Think about it. The idea in your head right now will be used by individuals working in one of these departments. 

You probably want to launch:

  • Staffing Solutions
  • Internal dashboards
  • Customer support portals for physical businesses
  • Customer or employee management systems
  • Marketplace-type solutions for any industry
  • Brokerage portals
  • Invoicing and/or scheduling software
  • Project management tools

Building with little or no-code means you can cut down on time, money and team size while achieving the same result. 

Let's go through a few more pros of building digital products with no-code. 

Pros of building applications with no-code 

Faster execution

No-code promises to help you launch your mobile application in days instead of months and it stays true to it.

Guglielmo Pardo was able to launch Incomee a fintech web application within weeks of conceptualizing the idea. 

While the time required to develop a no-code product can go from days to weeks depending on the complexity of the application. 

Hence, here at Partcloud we advise intending startup founders to build MVPs instead of fully featured products from the start. 

Customizable templates 

Templates are really useful when it comes to building mobile apps with no-code. 

It's a thriving business of its own. With templates, you can easily 10x your product delivery time simply by customizing an already existing application template.


Have you checked how long it takes to build mobile apps through a hired dev team? 

According to Brainspire, building custom software can take between 4 to 12 months of team dev time depending on the size of your team.

Here's what a typical software development life cycle model looks like:

  • Planning and requirements - two to four weeks
  • Design and Architecture - two weeks
  • Development and Coding - three to eight months
  • Implementation - two to four weeks
  • Testing and Maintenance - three to six weeks
  • Production - three weeks or more

What you are seeing above is the average. You might remain in the traditional software development cycle longer. 

It takes a long time to build digital products the traditional way. 

Using Bubble io at Partcloud, we build very complex digital products that meet industry standards in 8 weeks for our clients without getting stuck in the software development rot. 

Quick iterations 

The ability to make iterations is the lifeblood of every software. 

Feedbacks are the lifeblood of every product. As you get feedbacks from your customers, it is only right you make changes to your product if you desire to stay long in business. 

No-code gives you that leverage. 

At Partcloud, after development, we provide a maintenance service that enables us to keep making improvements to clients' applications. 


The cost of building software depends on the complexity, size of your business, technology stack and skillset of the person/agency building it. 

According to Doit, the cost of building a famous application like Uber is $80,000 – $100,000, while an app like Tinder would cost between $60,000 to $80,000. Compare this with no-code, where the average cost of building such software is $25,000

Cons of building software with no-code

These are generic disadvantages. Some platforms/tools don't have some or all of these cons. 

Very Rigid customization 

Templates are great until the need to add custom features to them arises. Since most templates come with very poor documentation, it's hard for non-no-code experts to make changes to the templates without breaking things.


Yes, there are performance standards, and dos and don'ts to make your app run smoothly on the specific no-code platform you choose.

Please understand that your app's performance depends largely on the no-code platform/tool powering it. 

If your chosen no-code platform has terrible performance issues, so will your app. 

In most cases, you don't have total control over the architecture powering your product. You only work with what options you have.

High learning curve 

Each no-code platform comes with its learning curve.

For instance, if you are a pro at building products with a tool such as web-flow, you don't automatically become good at building with bubble io. 

First, both are completely different platforms, secondly both serve different purposes entirely. 

While Webflow is good for building websites and landing pages, Bubble io on the other hand is used for building websites, landing pages, and very complex web and mobile applications.

To solve this huddle, you have two choices:

  • Decide on your product requirements, choose a no-code platform that fits your requirements and learn to build with it. 
  • Hire a no-code development agency such as Partcloud to build out your software requirements while you focus on important things like marketing, sales, product development and others. 

There you go, the pros and cons of building software with no-code. For some people, building applications with no-code means lower cost while for others it's a chance to get an idea off the ground before moving on to core development. 

Irrespective of the path you chose, for better success, first understand the pros and cons of no-code development before hiring a freelancer or employing the service of a no-code development agency. 

As I have shown you, no-code gives you the speed and freedom to launch digital products fast. 

Still, need some more no-code product examples? Take a look at zinc, our most recent Bubble based mobile =ape

Book a call with us to learn more about how no-code can transform your ideas into digital products.